campaignTrail_temp.election_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 5, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1904, \"summary\": \"

After President McKinley’s death in 1901 at the hands of an anarchist assassin, the young former Governor of New York, Theodore Roosevelt, has since presided over three years of growth, protection, and an expansion of American influence abroad. In spite of opposition from party bosses, Roosevelt has taken a torch to the power of the business magnates choking the American worker, busting trusts and settling labor disputes in a manner that has increased his popularity. With the death of his only viable competitor, Mark Hanna, Roosevelt is the natural choice of the party for continued prosperity in the next four years.

\", \"image_url\": \"\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 239, \"advisor_url\": \"\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

General Resources

Final 1904 Results
1904 Overview, by HarpWeek
Fred Shoemaker – Thesis on Alton B. Parker

Accounts of the Campaign

TimesMachine, from New York Times
(consulted from July to October 1904)\", \"has_visits\": 0, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 20, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Theodore\", \"last_name\": \"Roosevelt\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

You are not meant to see this. Get your Teddy fix somewhere else

\", \"color_hex\": \"#21A8DE\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#28BCF7\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1904 election.

Yopou c harested heard dumbass not supposed to see this

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost.


\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! You have won a true nail-biter.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. Fortunately for you, the majority of U.S. states have Republican controlled congressional delegations, and they will cast their votes for you accordingly.

The important thing is that you won. Go about implementing your agenda accordingly, and pay no attention to Democrats and agitators who call for 'compromise' and 'conciliation'.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 21, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Alton B.\", \"last_name\": \"Parker\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Alton Parker is the compromise candidate of the Democrats, agreed upon in an effort of anti-Bryan conservatives to block the nomination of liberal publisher William Randolph Hearst. Having helped Grover Cleveland to win the nomination in 1884, he has a solid reputation among Bourbon Democrats, and represents a return to the traditional platform of sound money and economic moderation. He was first appointed to the New York Supreme Court in 1885, eventually rising to be Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, the most powerful judicial office in the state.

If one were to be cynical, it would be apparent that the only reason for both Bryan and Cleveland’s declining the nomination is that whoever runs for the Democracy is destined to defeat. Judge Parker’s strength lies in his obscurity: he has hitherto declined to offer positions on much of anything. It was on this basis that he was able to unify the Convention; his judicial record of integrity and support for the common man may provide enough of a cushion to propel him to victory without getting bogged down in the political divides of the day.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFA30E\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFCC73\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1896 election.

\\\"The Great Commoner\\\" will soon be President of the United States! Nobody with your political views has ever sniffed the Presidency, let alone won it, and with that in mind your supporters are rioting frenziedly in the streets. The sweetest speech of all will be your victory speech tomorrow in Lincoln, Nebraska. Prepare to enact your reform agenda and most importantly the free coinage of silver.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 1896 election.

With all of the maneuvering, chicanery, and propoganda that the Republicans threw at you, it's amazing that you even had a chance.

Regardless of the outcome this time, you have built a legion of devoted followers who will support anything you do. If you play your cards right, you just might get another shot against McKinley in four years...

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost in a squeaker.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. Unfortunately for you, the majority of U.S. states have Republican controlled congressional delegations, and they will cast their votes for William McKinley.

Given the incredibly close nature of the election, you can certainly set your sights on a political comeback in 1900, if that is what you desire.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 22, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Thomas E.\", \"last_name\": \"Watson\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Populist\", \"state\": \"Georgia\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#6BA539\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#93C06B\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": null, \"electoral_victory_message\": \"Congratulations!\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"Better luck next time!\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"Congratulations!\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 23, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Eugene\", \"last_name\": \"Debs/Others\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Socialist\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#B2AFA6\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#C9C7C1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 49, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Henry G.\", \"last_name\": \"Davis\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"West Virginia\", \"priority\": 24, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#922748\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#BA6A84\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Henry Gassaway Davis is eighty years old, and a former Senator from West Virginia. In his youth, he worked on the railroad, meeting many prominent statesmen of the time. During the Civil War, he helped to move supplies along the crucial Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and afterwards became a successful businessman and member of the new state’s House of Delegates. As a millionaire owner of successful enterprises in banking, transport, coal mining and milling, it is thought that he may be able to contribute part of his vast wealth to the funding of your campaign.

He will be of little use in the modern era of personal stumping and extravagant personalities. Furthermore, he does nothing to boost the profile of the campaign, having been out of office for twenty years and coming from a rather unimportant state on the Presidential map. Unfortunately, with so many writing off your electoral prospects this year, few others could even be convinced to run for the ticket. Unless Davis can be persuaded to cough up some money towards your election, it is probable that he will contribute nothing of note to your efforts.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.running_mate\", \"pk\": 26, \"fields\": {\"candidate\": 21, \"running_mate\": 49}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.opponents_default_json = JSON.parse("[{\"election\": 5, \"candidates\": [23, 22, 20, 21]}]"); campaignTrail_temp.opponents_weighted_json = JSON.parse("[{\"election\": 5, \"candidates\": [21, 20, 22, 23]}]"); campaignTrail_temp.temp_election_list = [{"id": 5, "year": 1904, "is_premium": 0, "display_year": "1904"}]; campaignTrail_temp.credits = "/u/verbluffen and /u/astrohunch_o"; RecReading = true; next0 = function() {document.getElementById("screen0").style.display = "none";document.getElementById("screen1").style.display = "initial";} back0 = function() {document.getElementById("screen0").style.display = "initial";document.getElementById("screen1").style.display = "none";} document.body.background = ""; nct_stuff.themes[nct_stuff.selectedTheme].coloring_title = "#222222"; nct_stuff.themes[nct_stuff.selectedTheme].coloring_window = "#d0debb"; $("#game_window")[0].style.backgroundColor = "#d0debb"; $(".container")[0].style.backgroundColor = "#f3cfb3"; $(".footer a").css({"color":"#222222"}); document.getElementById("header").src = "" HistHexcolour=["#21A8DE","#FFA30E","#6BA539","#B2AFA6"]; HistName=[" Theodore Roosevelt"," Alton B. Parker"," Thomas E. Watson"," Eugene Debs/Others"]; HistEV=["336","140","–","–"]; HistPV=["7,630,557","5,084,537","114,062","696,603"]; HistPVP=["56.4%","37.6%","0.8%","5.2%"];